Remote Supervision

Supervise from anywhere in the world as a BCBA. Schedule remotely, provide feedback remotely, and minimize Observer Effect, while maintaining complete oversight with individualized progress reports.

Remote Supervision

High Fidelity Supervision
Despite the Distance

Designed for BCBAs and ABA technicians, Behaview integrates remote supervisions, scheduling, and staff management, so BCBAs can concentrate on their supervisions rather than juggling calendars and emails.

Detailed Video Feedback

Provide timestamped feedback on videos uploaded by supervisees, so they know precisely what they need to improve, even if you weren't present to observe.

Asynchronous Supervision

Schedule remote supervisions, securely share videos, yet take data and notes as though you were in-person. Save the commute time, but don't lose the fidelity!

Individualized Tracking

Maintain a detailed view of how your supervisees are progressing against required skills, and use that to schedule subsequent supervisions that address gaps.

Remote Parent Support

Allow parents to share videos for feedback and remotely monitor parents' training progress, so they can feel confident and supported even when alone.

Remote Supervision Capabilities

Supervise from Anywhere

Behaview can be used on any device, and from anywhere, without any compromise to security or compliance. Leverage remote supervision to reduce your commute overhead, without losing meaningful insight.

  • Supervise on mobile, tablet, or laptop
  • Asynchronously supervise with a busy BCBA's schedule
  • Complement in-person overlaps with remote supervisions
  • Maintain a central record of supervisees' progress
Personalized Report on Progress

Complete Oversight

Automatically synchronize supervision data and visibly see supervisees' competency of expected skills. With less admin overhead, supervisors can help more supervisees or clients.

  • Instantly view supervisee advancements and areas needing attention
  • Save time and reduce errors with automatic synchronization of supervision data
  • Transparently share progress with supervisees so they can proactively address gaps
  • Enable BCBAs to maintain complete oversight of their teams, even when not present

Less Admin, More Intervention

Made for ABA
Maintain a Pulse on Staff Training
Compliant and Secure in Canada and US

Use a Platform Made for ABA

Avoid the email and calendar scheduling overhead, and eliminate paper data taking, by using a platform built for ABA supervision needs.

Keep a Pulse on Staff Training

Centrally monitor all supervisions taking place, and be aware of staff or supervisees falling behind without status meetings. Apply the Behavioral Skills Training (BST) method with ease.

Be Compliant and Secure

With dedicated Canadian and American regions, Behaview meets your data residency requirements and is health data compliant.

Simplify your Staff Training and Supervisions

Reduce training overhead, and streamline supervisions for BCBAs. Behaview was built to simplify ABA staff training and supervision needs!