Release Highlights - January 2024

Release Highlights - January 2024

  • Payam Moghaddam
  • January 4, 2024
  • 02 Mins read
  • Releases

A long await and incredibly powerful feature is now available in Behaview: Relationship-based Permissions.

Permit Access based on Relationships

Behaview already had powerful role and permission capabilities, with the ability to define custom roles with custom permissions. However, in ABA, a lot of permissions depend on the relationship of individuals. Person X can see person Y’s session plans, if they are their supervisor. Or a group of BCaBAs can support an RBT, if that group is supporting in supervision. Relationship-based permissions not only better reflect real organizational structures and needs, but also reduce the number of custom roles required.

Person X has relationship Z with Person YBCaBAs that have a Supervisor relationship with Staff, can view their profile and Session Plan information
Team X has relationship Z with Team YAll members of RBT Coordinators role have a Viewer relationship with all RBTs, so they can support them
Person X has relationship Z with Team YA BCBA can see all team members’ profiles which they are assigned Supervisor or Manager of
Team X has relationship Z with Person YAll members of a home team can view a parent’s training history, when assigned Viewer relationship with that parent

Relationships can be easily defined in a staff’s page, or in the a team’s page. Once defined, depending on the individuals’ roles involved in the relationship, permissions will dynamically be expanded or restricted given the assigned relationships.

Easily assign relationships between individuals and teams.

To reduce the friction in using this powerful capability, we have taken care of typical scenarios for you given our pre-defined role templates. All you have to do is use our templates, then assign relationships as you see fit. And of course, if you ever struggle to create any, please feel free to contact us to support you!

This is perhaps one of our most complex features to date, and one that may not stand out right away, but we believe over time you’ll find it incredibly useful and impactful.

Until Next Time

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us!